Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement

Her life's work and its relevance for today
with Msgr. Lorenzo ALBACETE, Theologian, author, columnist, and Mary LATHROP, Catholic Worker and close friend of Dorothy Day
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and the Siena Forum for Faith and Culture
Through this event, we want to show in today’s ideological social climate how Dorothy Day’s faith moved her to become passionately interested in the destiny, life, suffering and joy of her contemporaries, following Christ’s command, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Her relevance for today is how her faith, which has brought her to be named “Servant of God” by the Church, challenges our way of being present to and interested in our fellow human beings. The event is open to the public and free of charge.Video - Part I
Video - Part II
About this Event
Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2011Time: 7pm
Location: St. Catherine of Siena Church
St. Dominic’s Hall (2nd Floor)
411 East 68th Street at 1st Avenue
New York, NY
click here for map
About the Speakers

Theologian, author, columnist

Catholic Worker and close friend of Dorothy Day
Download the invitationArticles of Interest
Read Traces interview with Mary Lathrop Read Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete's article from Il SussidiarioPhotos - click on image below

Reader Comments (2)
Dorothy is a "Servant of God" but not "Venerable" yet, so far as I know. The photo is copyrighted by the photographer, Vivian Cherry.
I wish I could be there. Dorothy Day is a great woman. I know that the case for her beatification has advanced to the Vatican, and that she is "Servant of God," but has there been a declaration of her heroic virtue by Rome (which would designate her "Venerable")? I have seen no news of this. Is there documentation of this somewhere? I would appreciate a link of some kind. If this advance in her cause has taken place, it is not widely known. There should be a declaration from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, that must be accessible somewhere. On the other hand, if it's a mistake, you might want to clarify the status of her cause. One way or the other, I think Dorothy Day's time will come, God willing.