SAVINO, Damien Marie
Sr. Damien Marie SavinoSister Damien Marie Savino, FSE, Ph.D., is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist and Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Studies at University of St. Thomas in Houston. She also has a joint appointment in Catholic Studies and teaches both science and Catholic studies courses at UST. Sister Damien Marie completed her doctoral dissertation in Environmental Engineering at The Catholic University of America in 2004. She also has her Master of Science degree in Plant and Soil Science from University of Connecticut and her Master of Arts degree in Theology from The Catholic University of America. She taught at Grand Valley State University in Michigan before coming to UST in 2007. One of Sister Damien Marie’s specialties is the relationship between science and theology, and she has lectured and written on this topic. Pertinent publications include an article in the Fall 2009 issue of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture entitled “Atheistic Science: The Only Option?” and her book, The Contemplative River: The Confluence between People and Place in Ecological Restoration (VDM Verlag, 2008). At UST she serves on several advisory boards, including those for the UST Nursing program, the Honors Program, the Pope John Paul II Forum for the Church in the Modern World, and the MicroCredit Program.