
#StandTogether: Raising the Voice of Christians Who Are Persecuted

A discussion about the digital platform #StandTogether, created to give voice to Christians subjected to discrimination and persecution, especially in the Middle East.

With Brian J. GRIM, President, Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, Antonio OLIVIÉ, CEO of Rome Reports TV and Cofounder of #StandTogether, and Giulia NEMBRINI, Promoter of the #StandTogether Project

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center, the Catholic Information Center and #StandTogether

#StandTogether is an inclusive and ecumenical digital platform. It is the fruit of the collaboration among various institutions devoted to fostering a culture of dialogue and peace by spreading the witness of religious minorities, Christian and others, who live in dire circumstances.

#StandTogether is not seeking to replace the many initiatives already devoted to this vital issue. Its goal is, rather, to offer a common space for media and other interested organizations to share projects and exponentially increase their audiences.

The guiding idea behind #StandTogether is that a message’s reach can increase when people work together. These founding organizations have joined together to promote the platform: Communion and Liberation, Amici di Rome Reports,Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture, and ISCOM.

This event is being held in conjunction with the daylong symposium: What is to be Done? Responding to the Global Persecution of Christians hosted by Under Caesar’s Sword, a global research partnership of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, the Religious Freedom Institute, and Georgetown University's Religious Freedom Research Project. Learn more about the symposium here.

The event is free and open to the public.

About this Event

Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Time: 6pm
Location: Catholic Information Center
1501 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

About the Speakers

Brian J. Grim
President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation
Antonio Olivié
CEO of Rome Reports TV and Cofounder of #StandTogether
Giulia Nembrini
Promoter of the #StandTogether Project

Photos - click on image below

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