New York Encounter 2017: An American Dream … Come True!

A discussion on the life of some American saints and their relevance for our times
With Timothy Cardinal DOLAN, Archbishop of New York, Matt MALONE, S.J., President & Editor in Chief of America Media, and Claire VOUK, College student and co-curator of the Encounter exhibit
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Communion and Liberation
"The saint is a true person," Fr. Giussani once wrote, "because the saint holds fast to God, and thus, to his heart’s Ideal." Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf, Junípero Serra, Damian of Molokai, and Katharine Drexel were ordinary people of their times, yet their lives were made great by following the Ideal their heart was made for. To say our hearts are ‘made for something’ sounds strange to the modern ear, for we no longer believe that creation in any way suggests some higher purpose. Indeed, the term sainthood can seem just as antiquated, a relic or remnant of some distant past. Even today, however, the relationship with God remains the most adequate working hypothesis for the growth and full realization of the personality. This is so because life is a vocation, a call to greatness that gives human existence a decisive direction and an infinite horizon. Following the ideals of their hearts, that is, following God’s call to bring Christ to America, became the dream of Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf, and their companions, the dream of Junípero Serra, Damian of Molokai, and Katharine Drexel. An American dream. An American dream come true in the sacrifice of their lives. The event is open to the public and free of charge. Click here for New York Encounter's Official WebsiteAbout this Event
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2017Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street (btw 6th and 7th Ave)
New York, NY 10011
Click here for directions.
About the Speakers

Archbishop of New York

President and Editor in Chief of America Media

College Student
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