
Fostering Spirituality in the Young 

Why is it important? What helps it? What undermines it?

With Lisa MILLER, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, and Holly PETERSON, Ed.D., Director of Communication, Communion and Liberation

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center

We know very well how naturally and earnestly children ask religious questions, and their innate inclination to ask "why" in front of every aspect of life. In spite of this, it seems fair to say that in the past, the spiritual life of children has received relatively little attention from developmental psychologists and educators. Therefore, it is very refreshing to listen to scholars and teachers who have explored this "missing dimension" and have verified how important a healthy spirituality is in the life of a child, and in what ways parents and teacher can foster it.

The event is free and open to the public.

About this Event

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Time: 7pm
Location: Crossroads Auditorium
125 Maiden Lane, 15th Floor, NY, NY
(ID required to enter the building)

About the Speakers

Lisa Miller, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University

Holly Peterson, Ed.D.
Director of Communication for Communion and Liberation


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Part I, Intro and Miller
Part II, Miller
Part III, Peterson
Part IV, Peterson

Photos - click on image below

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