
Work: Building the Person, Building the World

A conversation about work as an opportunity for growth and meaning

with Nancy ALBIN, Co-founder of Los Angeles Habilitation House

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center

As we look for, choose, or face our job and the work we do, we aspire to having the opportunity to build ourselves and the world around us.

The words of Pope Francis in his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si well synthesize this: "Work is a necessity, part of the meaning of life on this earth, a path to growth, human development and personal fulfillment."

A few questions open up when facing our jobs in light of these expectations: What does this "growth," this "human development" and "personal fulfillment" look like in our real experience of work? Can a real job match these expectations? In what resides the possibility for our work to be meaningful?

We will propose these questions in a conversation with Ms Nancy Albin, co-founder of Los Angeles Habilitation House, an organization dedicated to creating and maintaining job opportunities for persons with disabilities that will help them to develop, express, and apply their talents and maximize their contribution to the community and society at large.

The event is open to the public and free of charge.

About this Event

Date: Friday, October 23, 2015
Time: 7 pm
Location: Nativity of Our Lord
900 West Midway Blvd.
Broomfield, CO map

About the Speaker

Nancy Albin
Co-Founder, Los Angeles Habilitation House


Download the invitation here.

Photos - click on image below

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