Francis of Assisi

What does a medieval saint have to say to the 2lst century?
A presentation with Fr. Solanus BENFATTI, CRF,Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, Author of The Five Wounds of Saint Francis, and Dr. Francis GREENE, Art Historian
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Arts and Artists at St. Paul
St. Francis is one of the most "popular" saints in the history of Christianity. He is universally known and loved, not only by Catholics. Many of us are familiar with at least some episodes from his life, which has been the subject of many books and movies. There is less awareness, however, of his impact on Italian and European culture. Actually, his very name did not exist before he did, and has become one of the most common Christian names in many different languages. In the English-speaking world not everybody knows that Francis is regarded as one of the founding figures of Italian literature, because he was essentially the first who chose to write prayers and canticles in the vernacular. This revolutionary step influenced Dante's own decision to write The Divine Comedy in Italian (as opposed to Latin). Francis and the Franciscan movement also played a major role in the development of Italian art, including the work of Giotto (who, like Dante, was a Third Order Franciscan). One should also mention the role of Franciscan thought in the renewal of medieval theology, which reached one of its high-points in the work of St. Bonaventure, the 7th Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor. Indeed, Francis is a major example of the fact that true sanctity also has important cultural consequences. Francis was not primarily interested in being a writer, or in starting a renewal in then figurative arts, or in producing deep theology. His concern was to come to know and love Jesus Christ, but precisely because of his experience of faith he also generated a flourishing of culture. By seeking the eternal and the divine he also renewed what is temporal and human. The event is open to the public and free of charge.About this Event
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2014Time: 7:00pm
Location: Saint Paul the Apostle Parish Center
405 West 59th Street, NY, NY Directions
About the Speakers

Franciscan of the Renewal, Author

Art Historian
Article of Interest
Faith and Fraternity in the Figure of St. Francis by Luigi GiussaniInvitation
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Part I - Intro and Fr. Solanus BenfattiPart II - Dr. Francis Greene
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