
The Return to Growth: Choosing Reason over the Left and the Right

A conversation with Dr. H. Woody Brock

Dr. H. Woody BROCK, is President and Founder of Strategic Economic Decisions (SED), and author of American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong.

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center

“Woody Brock’s new book, American Gridlock is going to force everybody to think through their views on the critical issues of public policy facing America today. It is not just a question of a failure of leadership. It is also a question, as he puts it, of 'a failure of thought and analysis'. He focuses on this in order to overcome what he terms 'the Dialogue of the Deaf'; the shouting match between the Left and the Right and its inevitable manifestation as gridlock. Agree or not, this is the kind of book to which everybody should pay attention.”
―Mortimer Zuckerman, Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report

The event is open to the public and free of charge.

About this Event

Date: Thursday, April 12th, 2012
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Harvard University, Yenching Auditorium
2 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Click here for Harvard map

Dr. H. Woody Brock
President and Founder of Strategic Economic Decisions (SED)


Download the Invitation here

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