The Spiritual Roots of the U.S. Crisis: Too Much Religion? Too Much Secularism?

Reflections on Bad Religion by Ross Douthat
with Msgr. Lorenzo ALBACETE, Theologian, author, columnist
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Columbia Campus Ministry
An important topic of discussion over the last few years has been the institutional decline of large parts of American Christianity, in particular of the so-called "mainstream" Protestant denominations, but also of the Catholic Church. This has also been the subject of a recent important book by Ross Douthat who argued that the crisis of institutional religion and the rise of do-it-yourself religiosity are bad not only for Christianity in the US, but also for society at large. By providing an important basis of social consensus and shared moral values, the traditional "Protestant-Catholic-Jewish" mainline anchored US democracy, and protected it from the rampant ideological polarization that we see today.
The evolution of American institutional religion and its impact on society is also the topic of tonight's discussion. Mr. Douthat's book suggests many other interesting questions. Is there any relation between the crisis of institutional Christianity and the current socio-economic crisis? To the extent that Christianity in the US is facing a crisis, are institutional problems a cause or an effect? How do they reflect deeper cultural trends? How much is institutional reform necessary for a "new evangelization?" To discuss these and other questions we are fortunate to have some very shrewd observers of American religion and its role in society. The event is open to the public and free of charge.About this Event
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012Time: 8pm
Location: Columbia University
Pupin Hall, Room 424
(enter through main campus at Broadway & 116th Street for access to Pupin)
New York, NY
Click here for campus map
About the Speaker

Theologian, author, columnist
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Lorenzo Albacete on Bad Religion, Part I Albacete on Bad Religion: Q & APhotos - click on image below

Reader Comments (1)
Oh, Mr. Douthat had to cancel--that's unfortunate. Oh well, ought to nevertheless be an interesting event anyhow.