
Dorothy Day: A Saint for Our Time?

World-renowned Dorothy Day biographer Jim FOREST, author of All Is Grace, discusses the life of this great Catholic social reformer and the movement that was born from her call to serve Christ, as well as the relevance of this history for today's troubled times.

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center

Dorothy Day was a person of contradictions: activist and contemplative, political radical and a theological conservative. Intending to found a newspaper, The Catholic Worker, she ended up founding a movement. The most important monuments to her are the many houses of hospitality that stretch from Los Angeles to Amsterdam, places of welcome for many who have been treated as throwaways, but also centers of work for a nonviolent, sharing society. Dorothy Day continues to open doors for many, in terms of spiritual life, community building, the healing of division, service of the poor, and the renewal of churches. Many regard her as one of the saints of our time; her official canonization process is now underway. Jim Forest came to know Dorothy Day during the last 20 years of her life. Soon after her death in 1980, he wrote a biography of her, Love Is the Measure. This has now been greatly expanded and given a new title, All Is Grace. It was published by Orbis Books in April 2011.

The event is open to the public and free of charge.

Book signing to follow the event.

About this Event

Date: Sunday, October 23, 2011
Time: 4pm
The Catholic University of America
Hannan Hall, Room 108
620 Michigan Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. map

About the Speaker

Jim Forest
Author, International Secretary of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship

Articles of Interest

Read Traces article on Dorothy Day

Read Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete's article from Il Sussidiario

Read interview with Jim Forest on Day and Merton


Click here to watch video - PART I
Click here to watch video - PART II - Q & A

Photos - click on image below

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