NEW YORK ENCOUNTER 2011 - Reality, Reason, Freedom: At the Root of the Religious Quest

A discussion on Msgr. Luigi Giussani's The Religious Sense
With Fr. Julián CARRON, President of the Fraternity of Communion Liberation,Seán Cardinal O'MALLEY, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Boston, and Dr. Michael WALDSTEIN, Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University
Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center and Communion and Liberation
What lies at the heart of any authentic religious experience? This is the topic of this discussion based on the work of the late founder of Communion and Liberation. Is religiosity grounded in reality or is it a mechanism of the mind? Does it require the use of reason or is it intrinsically irrational? What is the role of freedom in religious experience? Does religiosity facilitate intolerance or dialogue?
New York Encounter is a four-day cultural festival organized by Crossroads Cultural Center and Communion and Liberation. The idea of a "cultural festival" starts from the perception that there is a need for a fresh start in education and a new vibe for cultural initiatives. It also starts from the desire to communicate in New York the remarkable vastness, openness, richness, and profundity of cultural life and a passion for what is human that springs from the education to the Catholic faith taking place in Communion and Liberation.
New York Encounter features conferences on topics that are widely discussed in the public arena, as well as artistic performances, and will take place in New York on January 14 - 17, 2011. All conferences are open to the public and free of charge.
Click here for New York Encounter websiteAbout this Event
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011Time: 2:30 pm
Location: The Manhattan Center
311 West 34th Street at 8th Avenue
New York, NY
About the Speakers

President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation

Archbishop of Boston

Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University
Click here for New York Encounter websiteTranscript
Read the transcriptFr. Carron's Talk
Watch the videoPhotos - click on image below

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