
Traditional Architecture and Urbanism, Catholic Culture, and Modernity

A discussion with Philip H. BESS, Professor of Architecture, University of Notre Dame

Presented by Crossroads Cultural Center

Does the Catholic understanding of human nature influence how Catholics shape the constructed environment? Does the way that settlements have been built since the 1950s promote human flourishing? What trends are being pursued by modern architecture?

About this Event

Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: School of Architecture and Planning, Crough Center, Koubek Auditorium, The Catholic University of America
Metro: Red Line, Brookland/CUA
Campus Map:

About the Speaker

Philip H. Bess
Professor of Architecture, University of Notre Dame


Download the Invitation here


Watch the video of the event


Traces Interview with Philip Bess

Photos - click on image below

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