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The fullness of Islam

New attacks against Egyptian Copts. The Vatican is losing its patience. On the relationship between Christianity and Islam, a 2005 column by Fr. Samir Khalil Samir.

It is as if priests and bishops did not understand that Christianity is the fullness of every religion's path. But it is only respect for a person and love for his struggle to live his faith in the modern world that urges me to announce the Gospel to him.

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    NFL is genuinely 1 of the greatest sports in America. It has a important following.

Reader Comments (1)

The middle east needs more guys like this:

"A conversion to Christianity is something desirable, a choice which is worthy and full of value. Unfortunately, I come across clergy figures and even some bishops who fear thinking of such a thing, counting it out as a possibility, in the name of a false religious respect. It is as if priests and bishops did not understand that Christianity is the fullness of every religion's path. But it is only respect for a person and love for his struggle to live his faith in the modern world that urges me to announce the Gospel to him."

What is needed is a purification of faith.
During the middle ages, Islam was historically viewed as a "sword to purge the faith of the christians." If the Fr's insistence on the attraction of Christianity could sink deeper into the middle eastern christian's mentality, I think we would see christianity grow despite the martydom inflicted by muslims upon christians.

Who can stand against us if God walks with us?


February 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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